The words famous and popular are sometimes confused by many of my students. These 2 words can often describe the same thing or person...
Tokyo is a famous city, it is known all over the world. Tokyo is also a popular place to buy new fashion and electronics.
...they do not mean the same thing. Both are adjectives (形容詞) and although they are similar, they are used differently. Look at these definitions with examples:
famous (有名な) = known about by many people
~ a famous hotel (有名なホテル)
~ the most famous lake in Italy
"One day, I'll be rich and famous."~ famous for something "J.K. Rowling became internationally famous for her Harry Potter novels."~ famous as something "Ron Howard is more famous as a director than as an actor."
popular (人気) = liked or enjoyed by a large number of people~ a popular singer (人気の歌手)
"This is one of our most popular designs."
"Skiing has become very popular recently."~ popular (with somebody)
"The highway budget cuts will not be popular with people who drive to work."
"I'm not very popular with my wife right now. I forgot her birthday!"
Try this example:
"Tokyo Disneyland is a famous family theme park, but Tokyo Disney Sea is more popular with couples and adults. Probably because you can drink beer there!"
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