

Monday, August 29, 2016

I emailed my friend - I sent an email to my friend

When email is used as a verb we don’t say “email to someone” 
"I have to email my boss." *Not email to my boss
"Hector emails his family in Peru every week."

When email is a noun and we use the verb send we need to
“I have to send an email to my boss.”
"Hector sends emails to his family in Peru every week."

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

発音 WALK vs. WORK ~ 歩く vs. 働く

(発音) WALK vs. WORK ~ 歩く & 働く

Walk (WAH-K)

It takes 15 minutes to walk from my house to the station.

Should I call a taxi?
Let's walk, it's not too far!


Work (WER-K)

It takes 45 minutes to get to work by train.

I got a new job with Toyota! I've always wanted to work for a big company.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Up and Down VS Sideways

When you take a photo or video with your smartphone do you hold it....

Up and down


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Thin part 2 ~ other uses

Thin ~ other uses

Meaning not fat = not covered with much flesh 

"He was tall and thin, with dark hair."

For hair = not growing closely together or in large amounts 

thin grey hair

For liquid = containing more liquid than is normal or expected 

"The sauce was thin and tasteless."

For smoke = fairly easy to see through 

"They fought their way through to where the smoke was thinner."
For air = containing less oxygen than normal 

"At high altitudes the air is very thin."

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thick part 2 ~ other uses

Thick ~ other uses

For hair/fur/trees = growing closely together in large numbers

thick dark hair

"His eyebrows were thick and bushy."

a thick forest

For liquid  = not flowing very easily

thick soup

For fog/smoke/air = difficult to see through; difficult to breathe in

"The plane crashed in thick fog."

thick smoke

For a stupid person = (informal) slow to learn or understand things

"Are you thick, or what?"

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

convenient VS convenience ~ 便利 VS 利便性

convenient VS  convenience

convenient - adjective - useful, easy or quick to do; not causing problems (便利)
"Trains in Tokyo are very convenient and usually on time."

convenience - noun - the quality of being useful or easy for somebody (利便性)
"We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers."

*The adjective form convenient is used most of the time.

"Tokyo is a convenient place to live."

"Living beside a grocery store is very convenient."
