
Showing posts with label news (ニューズ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label news (ニューズ). Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Canada and Japan (High school presentation from May 2015)

This is a presentation I made for some high school students in 杉並区 in 2014 where I compared the size and population of Canada and Japan. I hope it's interesting for you!

Canada is - 9 984 670 km² (square kilometers)

Japan is - 377,944 km² (square kilometers)

Japan is long North to South but not so wide. 日本は南北にながいですが、ひろくはないです。 Canada is very wide. カナダはとてもひろいです。
From East to West Canada is 9306 km and it has 6 Time zones. 東から西まで きゅうせん さんびゃく ろく km あり、 むっつの ことなった タイムゾーン(じかんたい)があります。
In 2014 Canada's population was estimated at just over 35 million. さくねん、カナダの人口は 35,000,000ぐらいです。
The population of Japan is 127.6 million (2014) 日本の人口は127.6 million

80% of Canada's population lives within 100 km of the American border. In the North there is not much industry and not many jobs.
カナダの人口の80パーセントは アメリカこっきょうから ひゃっきろ けんないに すんでいます。 きたがわは それほど おおくの さんぎょうも なく しごとも ありません。

カナダとアメリカの国境は世界でいちばん ながく ぐんたい によって まもられてない国境線である。

Monday, March 21, 2016

News conversation topics with AUDIO (リスニング練習) Syrian refugees

Canadians prepare to welcome 
thousands of Syrian refugees

  1. Read the story and study the new words ~ 英文を読んで新しい単語を学習します
  2. Listen to the story audio once or twice while reading the notes ~ 英文を見ながらオーディオを2,3回聞きます
  3. Listen to the story audio again a few more times without the notes, just focusing on listening ~ 英文は見ないで聞くことに集中し、オーディオを2,3回繰り返し聞きます

Click for PDFs
Click for audio MP3

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Improve English vocabulary - News story "Humble rice cooker tries to conquer the world" 上級

A humble rice cooker from Taiwan tries to conquer the world

Nov. 25 2013

Ever hear of Tatung? The Taiwanese company used to make steel but in 1960 started selling rice cookers that to this day accounts for 95% of all rice cooker sales on the island.

     And now it wants to conquer the rest of the world.

     What's so special about a rice cooker? This one is multitalented. It also steams dumplings and simmers stews, making it a must-have gadget in a land where many women continue working after marriage. And where steamed, meat-filled buns are a specialty.

     The rice cooker has a unique double-layer construction that cooks indirectly. Indirect heating is said to preserve nutritional value; it also helps to prevent overcooking.
     An outer pot holds and boils water, which heats food in an inner pot. When the water in the first chamber evaporates, the device shuts itself off, keeping the ingredients in the second chamber at a warm 70 C. According to a Tatung representative, the cooker steams rice more evenly than other cookers.
     Tatung's electric cooker is especially good for reheating steamed dumplings and similar dishes because it tends to preserve the original flavor and texture, which are often lost when reheated in a microwave or convection oven.
     Tatung introduced the cooker more than half a century (50 years) ago because it wanted to sell more steel.
     Tatung had a technical alliance (partnership) with Toshiba back then and got its inspiration for the rice cooker's design from its Japanese partner.

     The current best-selling rice cooker at a mass-retailer in Taipei is a 4-liter Tatung that sells for around 2,330 New Taiwan dollars (about US$78). It is available in green, pink or other colors.
     According to the store manager, the shop sells around 100 of these devices per month. Newlyweds are big fans. It is also a must-have among students and business people heading abroad.

New vocabulary:

multitalented - adjective - have many talents. (多芸多才)

must-have - adjective - something you need to have. (不可欠)

evaporate - verb - to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor. (蒸発します)

preserve - verb - to keep

newlyweds - noun - A couple that are just married. Newly married.

overcooking – we use the word over as a prefix that means too much. Over is often used with verbs or gerunds (verbs with ~ing endings that act as nouns)
“I like working.” Working is a gerund, in this sentence it acts as a noun.
overcooking = cooking too much (this is a noun)
overcooked = cooked too much (this is an adjective)
overwork = work too much (this is a verb)
overeating = eating too much (this is a noun)
overdo = do too much (this is a verb)
*overlook = fail to notice – “You seem to have overlooked one important fact.”

Friday, September 4, 2015

上級 Japanese NEWS in English! 上級 - Use your Suica card on ANA domestic flights

usable adjective - that can be used; in good enough condition to be used (使える)

Suica to become usable on ANA domestic flights. = We can use Suica on domestic flights

The bike is rusty but usable. = The bike’s condition not great, but good enough to use

From Weblio: usable

His idea wasn't usable. 

domestic adjective - of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international (

domestic affairs/politics

domestic flights (= to and from places within a country) 

From Weblio: domestic

a domestic airline 国内航空

interoperable adjective - (of computer systems or programs) able to exchange information
*(this word is very technical, it is not common in spoken English)
Pasmo and Suica are interoperable. = They can share information (They can be used for the train and subway)

From Weblio: interoperable

Suica to become usable on ANA domestic flights

THE JAPAN NEWS -- SEP 25 2014 

All Nippon Airways said Monday that passengers using its domestic routes will be able to pay for their in-flight purchases with East Japan Railway Co.'s Suica electronic money from Oct. 1.

It will be the first time for electronic money of a transport service company to become usable for payments on domestic flights in Japan.

Eight other kinds of transport service-related electronic money, including Pasmo, will also become usable on ANA domestic flights because they are interoperable with Suica, according to the airline.

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How about you?

How often do you travel?

Do you travel for business or pleasure or both?

How often do you travel domestically?

Do you think being able to use Suica to buy items on the plane is a good idea? Why or why not?

Would you use this service? Why or why not?
What new service or feature would you like to see on commercial flights? 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

上級 Listening Practice! - Google starts one-dollar charity app

Listening Practice!
Listen to the audio and fill in the missing words:

Google starts one-dollar charity app 

The search engine giant Google has started a new app that lets people give just $1 to different ______. Its 'One Today' app shows users a _____ of charities every day. The home page says: "Open the app, and you're presented with several projects to which you can _____ $1 with one click. It's that simple. And most people can _____ the occasional $1 donation." At the moment, it is only available in the USA to people with Android _____ phones. Google hopes to start providing the service around the world soon. Google spokeswoman Maya Amoils blogged: "We look forward to continuing to _____ the One Today experience and to growing our dynamic community with _______ [non-profit organisations]."

The One Today website ______ that: "Google has a long-standing commitment to supporting non-profits and to _____ good. One Today makes fundraising easy for non-profits; it also makes giving simple and fun for users." Google believes the app will mean people can ____ more about non-profits. It also hopes people will share their favorite projects on ____  _____ sites so that more people donate. It adds: "Do good daily! Engage with hundreds of non-profit projects each year and help contribute to their ______." Ms Amoils wrote: "We're amazed by the great work non-profits do on a daily basis to make the world a better place, and we're ________ to provide a new ________ which helps [them]."

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