

Friday, September 25, 2015

英語のイディオム - Keep your eyes peeled/Keep your eyes open

英語のイディオム Keep your eyes peeled/Keep your eyes open

= be on the alert; watch carefully for something.

"Keep your eyes peeled for a pay phone."

"We're lost! Keep your eyes open for a street sign."

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Deposit and Withdraw の意味

新しい単語 - Deposit and Withdraw
We often use these verbs when we talk about banking. (銀行業務)
deposit verb (預金する) ~ deposit money in a bank = 銀行に金を預ける.
withdraw verb (引き出す) ~ withdraw money = お金を引き出す.
“You can withdraw and deposit money at any of our branches.” (branch = 支店)



Sunday, September 20, 2015

most VS. almost

most = the largest amount or quantity
He won (the) most prizes. 彼はいちばんたくさんの賞を得た.
in most cases たいていの場合.

almost = nearly or close 
Dinner is almost ready. 夕食はだいたいでき上がっています.
It's almost three o'clock. もう少しで 3 時だ.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Common Mistakes - Safety (安全) and Safe (安全な)

Japanese has 2 main adjective types - い形容詞 and な形容詞。

I think that this makes it easy to confuse English words that end 

with a y (which makes an いい sound) 

Here is a common example:

Can you see the mistake?
Healthy is an adjective, so it is correct on this sign. But...
Safety is a noun!(名詞) The adjective is safe. The sign should say Healthy and Safe. 

Some English adjectives do end with y so they make an いい sound:
funny and happy 例えば

But some do not! 
cool, smart and weak 例えば

When you use English... be safe!!!


Often confused English words (間違えやすい) famous/popular


The words famous and popular are sometimes confused by many of my students. These 2 words can often describe the same thing or person...

Tokyo is a famous city, it is known all over the world. Tokyo is also a popular place to buy new fashion and electronics.


...they do not mean the same thing. Both are
adjectives (
形容詞) and although they are similar, they are used differently. Look at these definitions with examples:

famous (有名な) = known about by many people

~ a famous hotel (

~ the most famous lake in Italy

"One day, I'll be rich and famous."
~ famous for something "J.K. Rowling became internationally famous for her Harry Potter novels."~ famous as something "Ron Howard is more famous as a director than as an actor."

popular (人気) = liked or enjoyed by a large number of people
~ a popular singer (人気の歌手)

"This is one of our most popular designs."

"Skiing has become very popular recently."
~ popular (with somebody)

 "The highway budget cuts will not be popular with people who drive to work."

"I'm not very popular with my wife right now. I forgot her birthday!" 

Try this example:

"Tokyo Disneyland is a famous family theme park, but Tokyo Disney Sea is more popular with couples and adults. Probably because you can drink beer there!"


Monday, September 14, 2015

plane VS plain この二つの単語の違いが分かりますか?

Confusing words


plane is a short way to say airplane - 飛行機

plain has several meanings. One meaning is not complicated; simple
The interior of the church was plain and simple.
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit)
a plain dress - 地味な服.
plain cake プレーンケーキ.

Can you see the mistake here?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Unhealthy Breakfast - 英語のリスニング練習

Unhealthy Breakfast

New words from the story:
bachelor - a man who has never been married
cholesterol - コレステロール

Jack is a bachelor. He works in
downtown Chicago as a shoe salesman.
Every morning on his way to work, Jack
stops at a donut shop and buys a chocolate
donut and a cup of coffee. Jack likes this
morning routine because it is quick and easy.
He doesn’t have to cook breakfast or wash
the dishes.
Last time Jack went to the doctor for
a check-up his doctor told him that he had
high cholesterol. The doctor told Jack to
stop eating foods that are high in fat.

Donuts are fried in a lot of fat.
Click to download the worksheet!
Story and worksheet from http://www.elcivics.com/esl/lessons.html

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We use BY to show HOW we do something

In English we sometimes use the word "BY" to show how we do something.

"Can I pay by credit card?"

"I came here by train today."

"These things are all made by hand."

(*We also use the adjective handmade to mean 'made by hand')
These chocolates are handmade.

Monday, September 7, 2015

From Twitter - 前置詞 wait AT a place (所) FOR a thing (何か)


英語 は前置詞の使い方がむずかしい!

 We wait AT a place (所) FOR a thing (何か). 

"He is waiting AT home FOR a taxi." 

More examples:

"My dog waits AT the door FOR me to come home."

"We were waiting AT the crosswalk FOR the signal to change when I saw my friend from work."


Sunday, September 6, 2015

3 ways to say 生 in English!

Can you say these words in English? 
(Hint: all 3 生 are different!)
  1. 生フルーツ
  2. 生たまご
  3. 生ビール

In English we use different words to translate these 3 things.

1. Fresh fruit - 
Fresh fruit is fruit that is not canned (缶づめ) or frozen (凍った).

2. Raw egg

Raw means food that has not been cooked. We use RAW to talk about meat, fish, chicken, eggs and vegetables too.

We have raw egg with Sukiyaki!

3. Draft beer This is beer that comes from a tap, not a can or a bottle.


Friday, September 4, 2015

上級 Japanese NEWS in English! 上級 - Use your Suica card on ANA domestic flights

usable adjective - that can be used; in good enough condition to be used (使える)

Suica to become usable on ANA domestic flights. = We can use Suica on domestic flights

The bike is rusty but usable. = The bike’s condition not great, but good enough to use

From Weblio: usable

His idea wasn't usable. 

domestic adjective - of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international (

domestic affairs/politics

domestic flights (= to and from places within a country) 

From Weblio: domestic

a domestic airline 国内航空

interoperable adjective - (of computer systems or programs) able to exchange information
*(this word is very technical, it is not common in spoken English)
Pasmo and Suica are interoperable. = They can share information (They can be used for the train and subway)

From Weblio: interoperable

Suica to become usable on ANA domestic flights

THE JAPAN NEWS -- SEP 25 2014 

All Nippon Airways said Monday that passengers using its domestic routes will be able to pay for their in-flight purchases with East Japan Railway Co.'s Suica electronic money from Oct. 1.

It will be the first time for electronic money of a transport service company to become usable for payments on domestic flights in Japan.

Eight other kinds of transport service-related electronic money, including Pasmo, will also become usable on ANA domestic flights because they are interoperable with Suica, according to the airline.

Click the DOWNLOAD button for the 
FREE PDF from this post

How about you?

How often do you travel?

Do you travel for business or pleasure or both?

How often do you travel domestically?

Do you think being able to use Suica to buy items on the plane is a good idea? Why or why not?

Would you use this service? Why or why not?
What new service or feature would you like to see on commercial flights? 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

上級 Listening Practice! - Google starts one-dollar charity app

Listening Practice!
Listen to the audio and fill in the missing words:

Google starts one-dollar charity app 

The search engine giant Google has started a new app that lets people give just $1 to different ______. Its 'One Today' app shows users a _____ of charities every day. The home page says: "Open the app, and you're presented with several projects to which you can _____ $1 with one click. It's that simple. And most people can _____ the occasional $1 donation." At the moment, it is only available in the USA to people with Android _____ phones. Google hopes to start providing the service around the world soon. Google spokeswoman Maya Amoils blogged: "We look forward to continuing to _____ the One Today experience and to growing our dynamic community with _______ [non-profit organisations]."

The One Today website ______ that: "Google has a long-standing commitment to supporting non-profits and to _____ good. One Today makes fundraising easy for non-profits; it also makes giving simple and fun for users." Google believes the app will mean people can ____ more about non-profits. It also hopes people will share their favorite projects on ____  _____ sites so that more people donate. It adds: "Do good daily! Engage with hundreds of non-profit projects each year and help contribute to their ______." Ms Amoils wrote: "We're amazed by the great work non-profits do on a daily basis to make the world a better place, and we're ________ to provide a new ________ which helps [them]."

Download the story PDF with

