

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

English study tip! Preparing English to tell your own story

  • 語彙を増やします
  • 新しい単語を覚えています
Do you do anything that's unusual? Do you have an odd hobby? Prepare to talk about these things in English! This is a great way increase your vocabulary and remember new words. It's also a great chance to talk about yourself with others! Let me explain what I mean with an example.

I gave blood! 献血やりました!

"On Wednesday I went to a Red Cross center to give blood. I used to give blood in Canada and now I want to give blood again in Japan."

At the blood donation center they use a lot of medical Japanese, so I had a lot of help! But after my visit I learned some new words and sentences that I can use to talk about my experience with others in Japanese! It was great! I learned new Japanese and it is very easy to remember because I can use it to talk about a real thing that happened to me!

Try to describe your own activity in English by finding a few new words and make some sentences you can use to tell others what you have done :)

Some translation sites ~ 翻訳ウエブページ


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