

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hear VS Listen ~ 聞く VS 聴く

Hear VS Listen ~ 聞く VS 聴く 

"I can hear the people talking at the table next to me."


to be aware of sounds with your earsI can't hear very well.

hear something/somebody She heard footsteps behind her.I couldn't hear anything.hear somebody/something doing something He could hear a dog barking.

hear somebody/something do something Did you hear him go out?I heard a car drive off.hear what… Didn't you hear what I said?

"I was listening to the speaker at the meeting."


 to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hearListen! What's that noise? Can you hear it?Sorry, I wasn't really listening.She had been listening at the door.

listen to somebody/something to listen to musicI listened carefully to her story.You haven't been listening to a word I've said!

We listen to something 
I like listening to classical music. NOT I like listening classical music.

*We report information that we learned by saying "I heard..."
"I heard Richard got a promotion." (get a promotion = 昇進する)

"I listen to English news on the train."
"Don't listen to James, he's a liar." (liar = うそつき)

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