

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I walked VS. I took a walk... (動詞VS名詞)

One of my students asked me:

"What's the difference between 'I took a walk in the park' and 'I walked in the park?'"

(公園で散歩しました VS 公園に歩きました)

These sentences mean the same thing but I can see the confusion. Some words have a noun and a verb form.

How we can we tell which form the word is in?

If we use 1 of the articles A, or An then the word that follows will be a countable noun (remember A/An = 1 thing) "A banana." "An orange." Or a noun phrase "An old, brown banana." "A tasty, Naval orange."

So when walk is a noun it will come after an article
"I took a walk in the park." - took is the verb in this sentence

BUT a verb comes after the subject of a sentence
"I walked in the park this morning." - No article = verb

This is true for all words that have a verb and a noun form.

“I want to give you a hug!” - give is the verb in this sentence

“I want to hug you!” - No article = verb

English practice exercise!

Think of 3 more words with a noun and a verb form and write a practice sentence for each word!

"Let Tony take the free kick. He kicks very well."

Monday, December 28, 2015

stick verb (動詞) "mochi was stuck in his throat"

stick verb (動詞)

to attach something to something else using a substance, or to become attached to a surface
stucpast tense and past participle 

stick something on/to/in etc something
"Someone had stuck posters all over the walls."
"Mud has stuck to my shoes." ~ 泥が靴にくっついた.

stick to/together
"I could feel my shirt sticking to my back."
"The oil keeps the pasta from sticking together."
"The pages have stuck together." ページがくっついている.

push in - if a pointed object sticks into something, or if you stick it there, it is pushed into it
stick (something) in/into/through something
pins stuck in a notice board
"The boy stuck his finger up his nose."
stick a fork into a potato フォークをジャガイモに突き刺す.

stick (in something) to become fixed in one position and impossible to move

The mochi was stuck in his throat.

自然な英語表現 - "Oh no! I got gum stuck to my shoe!"

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Have __ Merry Christmas!

Fill in the blank!
A. the
B. your
C. a

Scroll down for the answer...
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

"Our natural sleep cycle" 上級-リスニング Challenge yourself!!! (上級)

TED talk with downloadable worksheet from Lingua House 

Download and look at the worksheet then watch the video and 
answer the questions to check your understanding.

Click button to download worksheet

View the video on TED Talks by clicking here:

View the video from YouTube in your blog:

Download the transcript here:

Monday, December 21, 2015

英語の単語 - feedback

feedback - information about a product, service or performance of a task etc. that is used to improve it

  • consumer feedback 消費者からの反応[意見].

"This is my new business plan. Please have a look and give me your feedback."


"I always try to get feedback from my students to help me improve as a teacher."

Friday, December 18, 2015

英語の単語 ~ Apply / Applicant / Application (申し込む)

Apply / Applicant / Application

apply verb - to make a formal request, usually in writing, for something such as a job, a place at college, university, etc. (申し込む)

"In Canada we apply for University when we are 17 or 18."

applicant  noun - a person who makes a formal request for something (= applies for it), especially for a job, a place at a college or university, etc. (応募)

"If tuition is lower more students will take the entrance exam. If many students take the test, the school can choose only the best applicants."

5 job applicants at a job interview
application noun - a formal (often written) request for something, such as a job, permission to do something or a place at a college or university (申し込み)

"In Canada we have to fill out a college/university application during our last year of high school."

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Me too vs. me neither (私も) 中級

Me too vs. Me neither






A: I like sushi.
B: Me too

A: I don't like natto.
B: Me neither.

If a statement is negative ~ don't, can't, never for example ~ and we want to say that also applies to us, we need to say "Me neither" in English. Me too is only for positive statements.

A: I can't speak German.
B: Me neither.

A: I have never been to Australia.
B: Me neither.

*When the subject of your sentence is someone else, it's common for the word neither to start the sentence. Please look at these examples:

A: Fred isn't good at soccer.
B: Neither is Mike.

A: My grandfather won't use a computer.
B: Neither will mine.

These are also acceptable:

A: I can't speak German.
B: Neither can I.

A: I have never been to Australia.
B: Neither have I.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Common English expression - "You can't miss it." 中級

You can't miss it!

Please read the following conversation:

A: "Why don't we meet at the new coffee shop on State street? It's brand new so I don't think many people will be there."

B: "Okay, but I've never been. Can you tell me how to get there?"

A: "Sure, it's easy. When you get to the train station take the South exit and turn left. There is a huge sign. You can't miss it!"

brand new ~ 真新しい
I've never been ~ 行ったことがない
huge sign ~ 大きい看板

Can you guess what you can't miss it means? If you miss something/someone it can mean you didn't see or notice something/someone.
Carl:  "Did you see Bob this morning?"
Spencer: "No he left right before I got to the office. I just missed him."

And we know that if you can't do something it isn't possible.
"I can't stop eating donuts! They are too delicious!"

So.... We can easily imagine something that we can't miss is impossible not to see. A natural definition of can't miss is very easy to see.

The huge sign is very easy to see. You can't miss it!

Practice giving directions and use the phrase You can't miss it! when you describe something that is easy to see!

"I'm having a big garden party this weekend, bring all your friends! I live at 328 Main St.
I'll tie some colorful balloons to my patio gate so you can't miss it!"

Friday, December 11, 2015

"Humble rice cooker tries to conquer the world" - Listening practice 上級


Listening practice

- Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.

Ever hear of Tatung? The Taiwanese company used to ____ steel but in 1960 started selling rice cookers that to this day accounts for 95% of all rice cooker sales on the _____.

     And now it wants to _____ the rest of the world.

     What's so special about a rice cooker? This one is _________. It also steams dumplings and simmers stews, making it a must-have ______ in a land where many women continue working after marriage. And where steamed, meat-filled buns are a _______.

     The rice cooker has a ____ double-layer construction that cooks indirectly. Indirect heating is said to ______ nutritional value; it also helps to prevent overcooking.
     An outer pot holds and boils water, which heats food in an inner pot. When the water in the first chamber ________, the device shuts itself off, keeping the ingredients in the second chamber at a warm 70 C. According to a Tatung representative, the cooker steams rice more evenly than other cookers.
     Tatung's electric cooker is especially good for reheating steamed dumplings and similar dishes because it tends to preserve the original flavor and texture, which are often lost when reheated in a microwave or ______ oven.
     Tatung introduced the cooker more than half a century ago because it wanted to ____ more steel.
     Tatung had a technical ______ with Toshiba back then and got its inspiration for the rice cooker's design from its Japanese partner.

     The _____ best-selling rice cooker at a mass-retailer in Taipei is a 4-liter Tatung that sells for around 2,330 New Taiwan dollars (about US$78). It is _______ in green, pink or other colors.

     According to the store manager, the shop sells around 100 of these ______ per month. Newlyweds are big fans. It is also a _________ among students and business people heading abroad.

*Find the answers on the original blog post from 12/09/2015

*Was this listening practice helpful? Fun? Share it with your friends who learn English too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Improve English vocabulary - News story "Humble rice cooker tries to conquer the world" 上級

A humble rice cooker from Taiwan tries to conquer the world

Nov. 25 2013

Ever hear of Tatung? The Taiwanese company used to make steel but in 1960 started selling rice cookers that to this day accounts for 95% of all rice cooker sales on the island.

     And now it wants to conquer the rest of the world.

     What's so special about a rice cooker? This one is multitalented. It also steams dumplings and simmers stews, making it a must-have gadget in a land where many women continue working after marriage. And where steamed, meat-filled buns are a specialty.

     The rice cooker has a unique double-layer construction that cooks indirectly. Indirect heating is said to preserve nutritional value; it also helps to prevent overcooking.
     An outer pot holds and boils water, which heats food in an inner pot. When the water in the first chamber evaporates, the device shuts itself off, keeping the ingredients in the second chamber at a warm 70 C. According to a Tatung representative, the cooker steams rice more evenly than other cookers.
     Tatung's electric cooker is especially good for reheating steamed dumplings and similar dishes because it tends to preserve the original flavor and texture, which are often lost when reheated in a microwave or convection oven.
     Tatung introduced the cooker more than half a century (50 years) ago because it wanted to sell more steel.
     Tatung had a technical alliance (partnership) with Toshiba back then and got its inspiration for the rice cooker's design from its Japanese partner.

     The current best-selling rice cooker at a mass-retailer in Taipei is a 4-liter Tatung that sells for around 2,330 New Taiwan dollars (about US$78). It is available in green, pink or other colors.
     According to the store manager, the shop sells around 100 of these devices per month. Newlyweds are big fans. It is also a must-have among students and business people heading abroad.

New vocabulary:

multitalented - adjective - have many talents. (多芸多才)

must-have - adjective - something you need to have. (不可欠)

evaporate - verb - to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor. (蒸発します)

preserve - verb - to keep

newlyweds - noun - A couple that are just married. Newly married.

overcooking – we use the word over as a prefix that means too much. Over is often used with verbs or gerunds (verbs with ~ing endings that act as nouns)
“I like working.” Working is a gerund, in this sentence it acts as a noun.
overcooking = cooking too much (this is a noun)
overcooked = cooked too much (this is an adjective)
overwork = work too much (this is a verb)
overeating = eating too much (this is a noun)
overdo = do too much (this is a verb)
*overlook = fail to notice – “You seem to have overlooked one important fact.”

Monday, December 7, 2015

Use 'IF' correctly in English!!! (英語の文法)

IF is a conditional clause in English. This means that one action will/may happen as a result (on the condition) of another action or other actions.

IF can come after the main action:

"I will get a cavity if I eat sweets."


"I would be happy if I could see you."


“I will go to Hawaii if I can find a cheap hotel.”

Or it can start a sentence and end with the main action:
 “If I can find a cheap hotel I will go to Hawaii.”

I will go to Hawaii if I can find a cheap hotel. – The main action is ‘go to Hawaii,’ but this action can only happen as a result of ‘finding a cheap hotel.’ (On the condition of finding a cheap hotel)

"I would eat this ice cream if I wasn't on a diet!"

"If I eat this ice cream I'll regret it tomorrow."

"I don't get sick of ice cream even if I eat it every day."
