

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

英語の表現/English expressions - Sick as a dog

Last Friday I had to cancel my dentist appointment because I felt terrible. I had a headache and an upset stomach. I was sick as a dog.
Can you guess what the expression “sick as a dog” means?
Sick as a dog - means you are very ill
I just saw Walter a few minutes ago. He looked sick as a dog so I told him to go home.

Jonathan drank too much at the party last night and now he's sick as a dog!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Words with the suffix ~ous - 接尾辞 ~ ous

Recently in Japan some dangerous ants have been found in Oi, a port in Tokyo. (危険な)

ant noun - a small insect that lives in highly organized groups. (アリ)

port - noun - a place where ships load and unload goods or shelter from storms (港)

The ants are called 'fire ants' (ヒアリ) and they are poisonous! ( 有毒な、毒性の)

From this news we used 2 adjectives with the suffix ~ous. Dangerous and poisonous.

dangerous - likely to injure or harm somebody, or to damage or destroy something

poisonous - causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body
(These definitions come from Oxford Learner's Dictionaries)

A simple way to think of these 2 adjectives is to look at the root word, the word without the suffix ous.

danger (ous) If a situation has danger it is dangerous.

poison (ous) If a something has poison it is poisonous.

Many adjectives that use the suffix ~ous have this basic meaning. 

Japan is very mountainous. (It has many mountains)

A tumor that has cancer is cancerous.

The mole on my uncle's cheek is not cancerous.
We are relieved!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Miss VS. Mistake - ミス vs. 間違い

Miss VS. Mistake
ミス vs. 間違い

    Click for pronunciation
miss - verb - to fail to hit, catch, reach, etc. something

“The arrow missed the target.”

"I missed the 6:20 train this morning."

Don't miss our big sale this week! All cars are 40% off!"

"Our company missed it's sales targets for August. The boss is really mad!"


mistake - noun - an action or an opinion that is not correct, or that produces a result that you did not want * We use the noun mistake with the verb make.

“I made a mistake.”

Thursday, June 29, 2017

choice vs. choose

choice vs. choose

choice - noun - choice (between A and B) an act of choosing between two or more possibilities; something that you can choose (選択)
"I have to make a choice, I can have chocolate or vanilla ice cream?"

choose - verb - to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available (選択する)
"I have to choose between chocolate or vanilla, it's hard!"

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Canada and Japan (High school presentation from May 2015)

This is a presentation I made for some high school students in 杉並区 in 2014 where I compared the size and population of Canada and Japan. I hope it's interesting for you!

Canada is - 9 984 670 km² (square kilometers)

Japan is - 377,944 km² (square kilometers)

Japan is long North to South but not so wide. 日本は南北にながいですが、ひろくはないです。 Canada is very wide. カナダはとてもひろいです。
From East to West Canada is 9306 km and it has 6 Time zones. 東から西まで きゅうせん さんびゃく ろく km あり、 むっつの ことなった タイムゾーン(じかんたい)があります。
In 2014 Canada's population was estimated at just over 35 million. さくねん、カナダの人口は 35,000,000ぐらいです。
The population of Japan is 127.6 million (2014) 日本の人口は127.6 million

80% of Canada's population lives within 100 km of the American border. In the North there is not much industry and not many jobs.
カナダの人口の80パーセントは アメリカこっきょうから ひゃっきろ けんないに すんでいます。 きたがわは それほど おおくの さんぎょうも なく しごとも ありません。

カナダとアメリカの国境は世界でいちばん ながく ぐんたい によって まもられてない国境線である。

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

English verb (動詞) use - TAKE a train/bus/taxi etc.

The English verb take has many uses. The Oxford Learner's Dictionary list 42 varieties!
take ← Click for The Oxford Learner's Dictionary website
Today we will look at this use ~ to take something to use a form of transport, a road, a path, etc. to go to a place.
  • We use the verb take with public transportation (公共交通)
take a train to work.
took the bus to school.
Mario took a taxi home on Friday night 
because he drank too much. He didn’t want to drive.