

Monday, December 28, 2015

stick verb (動詞) "mochi was stuck in his throat"

stick verb (動詞)

to attach something to something else using a substance, or to become attached to a surface
stucpast tense and past participle 

stick something on/to/in etc something
"Someone had stuck posters all over the walls."
"Mud has stuck to my shoes." ~ 泥が靴にくっついた.

stick to/together
"I could feel my shirt sticking to my back."
"The oil keeps the pasta from sticking together."
"The pages have stuck together." ページがくっついている.

push in - if a pointed object sticks into something, or if you stick it there, it is pushed into it
stick (something) in/into/through something
pins stuck in a notice board
"The boy stuck his finger up his nose."
stick a fork into a potato フォークをジャガイモに突き刺す.

stick (in something) to become fixed in one position and impossible to move

The mochi was stuck in his throat.

自然な英語表現 - "Oh no! I got gum stuck to my shoe!"

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